Friday, February 16, 2024




Online gaming has grown to the extent that it will create approximately 2,50,000 new job opportunities in Tamil Nadu and other states.

Online gaming in India is growing in leaps and bounds and this is a lucrative area for investors who are eyeing it to get a share of their pie. Amongst these Rummy is the highest revenue-generating online game in India. As per the latest report by Ernest & Young (EY), India's online gaming market is set to touch INR16,428 crore in Financial Year 23 and will effectively enable 250,000 new jobs in India by 2025. The sector has grown at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 28%, It is expected to attract investments worth INR22,931 crore between FY20 and FY24 YTD from both domestic and foreign sources.

India's online gaming sector is likely to reach INR33,243 crore by FY28. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has even mentioned in her speech that this industry is generating good revenue for the Government and is quite happy with the way it's progressing.

While on the one hand, the online gaming sector is gaining popularity and increasing revenues, on the other hand, some states such as Sikkim, Assam, Telangana, Arunachal Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu have banned Online Rummy. Under the Indian Constitution, the State Government has the authority to regulate 'betting and gambling' and they have brought this under that ambit.

Why is the Tamil Nadu Government taking this stance? 

It cites two main reasons for the ban. The first is that it has been a trigger in the loss of some lives in the state. The other is that it’s a game of chance not skill. Here’s a deeper look at these two reasons. 

Games playing like Rummy per se is not a new game, it has been popular for decades and a hit at Diwali parties and other get-togethers where it's played with money at stake too. With the increase in internet penetration and speed, besides better online gaming capabilities in phones, its digital version Online Rummy has become equally popular. 

The excitement and competitiveness have increased as many online companies have jumped onto the bandwagon trying to woo players with tournaments and competitions, many of which offer cash prizes. Online rummy lovers don’t just find it a fascinating way to destress, many have made a fortune too. In fact, online gaming has become a nation-building sport with Olympic medal events, and Indians have a very good chance of winning.

Though it’s a game of skill that requires strategic thinking, observation, focus, and decision-making, it has been dubbed online gambling by the Tamil Nadu Government.

The next factor that the Tamil Nadu Government cites to justify the ban is that this has resulted in the loss of some lives. However, meeting the kith and the kin of the deceased tells a different story. 

For instance, a report in English print media said that 36-year-old Saranya’s (name changed) husband, Shankar S had lost his life while she was at work. They had bought a house with an EMI of 23000 which he could not manage to pay after a few months and this probably led to him taking an extreme step. His wife pointed out that did not even own a smartphone. However, this has been dubbed a death due to online rummy.

Another instance mentioned Bhuvaneshwari, a domestic worker who had worked hard and saved Rs 20,000 to pay her son’s school fees. However, her husband, an alcoholic, spent it on liquor making her feel depressed and frustrated leading to the loss of her life. Some media however attributed this to her habit of playing online games. 

The worst part is that family members of the deceased are quite upset that these allegations have resulted in them not receiving any kind of support. 

These deaths which are in no way connected with the game have been portrayed in a way that it was due to it.

A humanitarian initiative in Tamil Nadu called the Rainbow Project of a reputed international NGO has exposed the misreporting of suicide rates in the state and established that there is no link between online rummy and loss of lives.

What do the experts say? 

What does the mental health fraternity think?

Looking at it from the mental health point of view, experts believe that attributing this solely to online rummy or any single factor is overly simplistic and cannot be considered accurate. Suicide is a complex and multi-faceted issue influenced by a variety of factors, including mental health, personal circumstances, social environment, and more. 

To corroborate this, there is further research. In fact, two independent studies were conducted based on researching the loss of lives in TN which were being attributed to playing online rummy have completely rejected the Tamil Nadu Government’s stance. 

One of these was by Dr Sandip H Shah, Professor of Psychiatry and Dean, Government Medical College, Panchmahals, Godhra, Shri Govind Guru University. He did not find any kind of connection between the loss of lives and the game. He has even gone further to add that playing Online Rummy can even push the onset of Alzheimer's and dementia problems in the elderly.

BJP-run states are allowing a free run of these games while Tamil Nadu has refused to allow it leading to both loss of revenues and opportunities for the state. 

A hub for technology with most people tech savvy, the game is an opportunity for them to use their skills and better their lives, not to speak of the innumerable job opportunities, revenue generation, and development that it would bring in.

Let us hope that the Tamil Nadu Government sees the light and does not deprive the state of such a huge money spinner and catalyst to development.

Asthram - திரைவிமர்சனம்

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